Contracts and Documentation
Contracts and Documentation
Application Form Packages:
Boatyard Packet: Shelter Island Marina 2017
Moorage Packet: Shelter Island Marina 2017
Single Forms:
Dry Stoage Contract:
Moorage Contract:
Credit Application:
We are always looking for keen, qualified individuals who have an interest in the Marine Industry. Please submit your resume to if you think your future could be at Shelter Island Marina!
Employment Opportunity
Office: 1-604-270-6272
Toll Free: 1-877-270-6272
Toll Free: 1-877-270-6272
6911 Graybar Road,
Richmond, B.C. Canada
V6W 1H3
Richmond, B.C. Canada
V6W 1H3

Booking Lifts / Launch
To schedule a vessel to be lifted or launched at Shelter Island Marina & Boatyard Inc. please contact our offices.